Buenas tardes 8ers!
The Spanish language is very rich with proverbs and its own sayings, and a lot of spaniards tend to translate what is on their minds directly to English getting some WTF!? faces in return.
From lost to the river 💧, de perdidos al río – (once it is done, carry on)
I have water in my mouth 👄, se me hace la boca agua – (that looks very tasty)
A bird in the hand is worth more than a hundred flying 🐦, más vale pajareo en mano que ciento volando – (better keep what you have now)
Two boobs pull more than two trolleys 🚎, tiran mas dos tetas que dos carretas – (men are very susceptible to woman powers)
Better late than never 🕘, más vale tarde que nunca – (used when someone is late)
Who laughs the latest laughs the most 😆, quien ríe el último ríe mejor – (winning the last one is always better)
What doesn’t kill you makes you fatter 🤔, lo que no mata engorda – (all good things in life are dangerous or unhealthy)
In closed mouth flies don’t get in 🙊, en boca cerrada no entran moscas – (please avoid stupid comments)
Next time you listen to a Spaniard saying something weird like that… think there is a cultural reason behind it 😚
Hasta luego! 👋
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