8WAYS Not to be L8 (to Everything)

Olá, olá! Como é que isso vai?

Mornings are always hard, right? 😏😏 No, that’s not the topic.

We want to sleep as much as possible, but we have to get ready for appointments on time. This post is written from a person who is perpetually l8 for everything (I’m starting to think it’s chronic). Anyway, the truth is these 8WAYS could actually work… 🤔

  1. Ask a friend to set your watch forward for (at least) 5 minutes (don’t forget to ask him/her to do it without telling you 🕵)

  2. Train yourself to get up as soon as the first alarm goes on (🙄, who does that? How is that even possible? Are you even human?)

  3. Put the music ON and open the blinds as soon as you get up (I know, I want to kill myself already 😭)

  4. Use the calendar on your phone or buy one – anyways, use it (Uhh, I feel so organized! 🤓)

  5. Write down how long it takes for you to get ready, analyze it and change some habits (have I done something bad to you? 😢)

  6. Try to schedule to be 15 minutes early to every appointment you have (the worst that can happen to you is to be on time 😉)

  7. Prepare your clothes, bags, and food the night before (you’re probably still awake, so why not? 🤷)

  8. STOP BEING LAZY (yes, we all know that’s the main reason 🙋🙈)


And… start tomorrow, not next monday!! This is not your diet goal 🙃

Boa noite, até à próxima!



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